Donate to the AFLV

Support Alliance Française de Las Vegas and make a donation today!

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund provides Alliance Française de Las Vegas with the crucial support on which our school and cultural program depend. With another ambitious year ahead, your fully tax-deductible gift will make an immediate impact to:
Create new experiences not available anywhere else in the Las Vegas area

  • Continue to offer affordable programs that bring new audiences of all ages and backgrounds to AFLV
  • Improve our student learning experience
  • Expand the offerings of our library

2021-2022 donors

We are very grateful to the following individuals for their support in making our programs possible:

  • Hussain Mahrous and Family
  • Marc and Colette Zeman
  • Harriet Gagliano
  • Krist Walicky 
  • Margaret Harp
  • Danielle Odin

Support Our Cause


Every gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated, and will ensure that AFLV remains a vibrant cultural & educational destination for all.



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